Grow Station -1 2020

This is a sculptural work consisting of two grow lamps, an acrylic stand, and a small packet of seeds. With foraging disappearing, protections still in place, and a gap in the market, a few Palestinians are attempting to cultivate the otherwise native plant. The Israeli government is promoting cultivation - special military forces are holding workshops and programming to teach Palestinian farmers to cultivate Gundelia tournefortii. This process is further dissuading the traditional foraging practices. Planted in a paper packet, the seeds in Grow Station -1 are removed from the geography and histories of the Israel. Research on the plant’s cultivation from before the plant’s protection suggests it is difficult to grow, but germinates most successfully if soaked in a cloth or paper towel before being planted.

On another note, I have been trying to obtain the seeds for nearly a year now. The photos included show one particularly poetic interaction I had while trying to get them. Despite many different efforts, I have still been unable. If you think you can help me get the seeds, please contact me at:

pborrapaley*at*gmail*com (following typical email address formatting).